June 24, 2023
Adamah Farm produces over 50,000 pounds of food each year, while also hosting bi-annual cohorts to learn about sustainable agriculture and Jewish ecology
By Gavi Klein
Photo credit: Courtesy of Adamah Farm
Tucked in a quiet corner of Falls Village is Adamah Farm—ten acres of diversified veggie fields, growing chestnut groves, and lush green pastures. Adamah is a part of the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, which hosts Jewish events for people and organizations around the country. Over the course of the year, the farm produces over 50,000 pounds of food, with about 10,000 pounds going to local food pantries, 20,000 pounds being used in the commercial kitchen on the retreat center’s campus, and the rest being carefully packed into the farm’s weekly CSA. About 80 local families are members of the CSA, and from June through November, they receive a curated box of fresh, local produce each week. The farm is also used to feed those who work the land, namely the bi-annual cohorts of Adamah Fellows who come to learn and live in community for three months at a time. “Adamah is a special place to many people,” says farm director Janna Siller. “For some, the local produce allows them to eat as though they had a fresh vegetable garden behind the house; for others, the farm itself provides a transformative place of learning and growth.” Over the past 20 years, Adamah Farm has been home to over 500 fellows who come to learn about ecologically-based Judaism, practice sustainable agriculture, and of course, to experience the beauty of Adamah Farm.