One year = seven issues, $40
Fill out the form below to subscribe, renew, or give a gift subscription. You will then be taken to a secure Paypal page to pay by credit or debit card.
If you prefer to send a check please make it out to our publishing company – Happening in the Hills LLC – and send to address below:
Happening in the Hills LLC
South Kent, CT 06785
Single copies of past issues are available for $10, with payment and address sent to the above address. Please specify the issue.
The magazine is sent to specific mailing routes in Litchfield County for free. Our mail route changes periodically, however most of the addresses in these zip codes are included in our bimonthly mailings:
06039, 06069, 06752, 06754, 06756, 06757, 06759, 06763, 06776, 06777, 06783, 06785, 06793, 06798
If you do not get the magazine we truly appreciate your support through a paid subscription. We regretfully cannot send it to every household in Litchfield County without collecting a fee. Thank you for your support!
Litchfield Magazine’s single-copy price is $5.95 an issue and it publishes bi-monthly except for the extra Holiday issue in December.
Litchfield Magazine is published by Happening in the Hills LLC. Your first issue mails in 4-6 weeks. The frequency of magazine issues is subject to change without notice. Offer good in the US only. All rates are in US dollars. If the post office alerts us that your print magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within 2 years.
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