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A Local Director Shoots<br>Movie in Litchfield County
courtesy of Paul Brighton

A Local Director Shoots
Movie in Litchfield County

Director Paul Brighton’s award-winning film, Brilliant Mistakes,
was shot entirely in Litchfield County, with local actors.

Brilliant Mistakes, a new movie directed by Litchfield resident Paul Brighton, is about a young English teacher, Marcus, from a quiet New England town who is in love. When a devastating accident nearly kills his girlfriend, Gabby, and renders her in a persistent vegetative state, Marcus is faced with a difficult choice. A loyal and dedicated young man, he is determined to marry her one day. He’s not only challenged by this deeply crushing event, but is made to jump many unexpected hurdles, including fending off Gabby’s mother who clings to Marcus during her emotional breakdown. As if life wasn’t complex enough, Marcus then meets Elliot at a grief counseling meeting. Elliot is a published author who wrote Brilliant Mistakes, a story about the regret he felt for not having spent time with his deceased 13-year-old brother Scotty. Marcus becomes a fan of Elliot’s vibrant and colorful character, and eventually of his writing. Marcus and Elliot share their personal tragedies with one another and forge a strong friendship. The film’s surprising and inspirational ending will undoubtedly leave audiences feeling hopeful and inspired.

The film is being promoted as an “inspirational romance”, and when we asked Brighton if that was his intent, he said, “I didn’t see it as a romance originally, but I want people to get out of it what they can. Personally, for me, the movie’s theme is: Through tragedy you grow. It speaks to the resiliency of people. The idea of being a loyal person—a stand-up person—in the face of tragedy, that appealed to me. I wanted to explore the concept. What would you do?”

Paul Brighton, director of Brilliant Mistakes
Paul Brighton, director of Brilliant Mistakes

Ever since he was a kid, Paul wanted to make movies. He spent his youth making parodies of TV shows, dressing up in costume, and turning his family home upside down. His goal to become a filmmaker finally came through two years ago, while he was watching TV.

The idea for Brilliant Mistakes came to him one evening when he was watching an episode of American Idol in early 2011. Contestant Chris Medina, moved millions of people when the show featured the singer’s story about his girlfriend Julianna and an accident that left her in a wheelchair, altering his and her life forever. In the show segment, Chris described his love and devotion for Juliana, and then Steven Tyler of Aerosmith asked Chris to invite Juliana, who was in a wheelchair backstage, to come into the judges room to meet them. The heartbreaking story made headlines all over the world the next day. Here is the clip that started it all:

Paul Brighton found the story touching and began writing immediately. Since he didn’t know much about Juliana’s accident, its cause, nor the people involved, he came up with an entirely different story, yet keeping the thread of love and devotion intact. What grabbed the Litchfield director’s ear was what Chris said on American Idol that evening, “What kind of a guy would I be, if I walked out when she needed me the most?”

In November 2012, Brighton reached out to Chris Medina to thank him for providing the inspiration behind Brilliant Mistakes. Chris emailed Brighton to wish him good luck for the success of his film. He wrote: “I am beyond flattered and happy that you have been inspired to create through my story.” (Chris Medina has a film releasing soon that documents his own story. Juliana and Chris are still going strong.)

courtesy of Paul Brighton
courtesy of Paul Brighton

The film stars Daniel Dambroff and Elise McNamara, whose noted performances are gaining acclaim across independent film circles and film festival circuits. Co-stars are Christopher Clawson (Remember Me, Gods and Generals) as the eccentric author Elliot and Aria McKenna (A Haunting). Area actor and choreographer Trisha Carr, has a substantial role in Brilliant Mistakes as Gabby’s sister. Vincent & Harrison McCoy, Michelle Funaro, Doreen Lopez, Frank Beaudry, also have background acting roles in Brilliant Mistakes.

courtesy of Paul Brighton
courtesy of Paul Brighton

After he wrote the initial outline or treatment for the movie, Paul worked closely with a screenwriter, Doug Klozzner, to flush it out. He formed a production company for the film in 2011. While he was working on the script, he was fundraising the whole time. Litchfield residents Deborah & Declan Murphy of South Street were part of the financial backing team for the film. Brighton also received help from local business people, merchants and residents. In the past, Paul had worked with many Litchfield County actors, many of whom had affiliations with the Warner Theater in Torrington. Ken Merz, Executive Director of the Warner Theater and O&G, helped Paul Brighton, initially, to connect with the area’s influential people. Litchfield’s Peter Tillou donated his home for 3 days of filming for the production. Local product heavyweights such as Harney & Sons Teas and The Farmer’s Cow make product appearances in the film. Hannah’s Bakery of Litchfield was the official caterer for the film throughout rehearsals and filming. Bantam Bread, West Street Grill, @The Corner, Flora and Fauna, Bank Street Theater, Winvian, Warner Theater, Litchfield First Congregational Church, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital became central locations in the film. The towns of Litchfield, Morris, Bantam, Torrington, Salisbury, Goshen, and New Milford are central areas shot in the movie.

courtesy of Paul Brighton
courtesy of Paul Brighton

Many actors from the area appear in the film. Some were part of the audience in a scene shot in the interior and exterior of the Warner Theater, highlighting its magnificence. A select group of Forman School students appeared as extras in a scene shot in New Milford; and Salisbury School and Westover School students were cast as key students in classroom as campus students and appear in several key scenes. “The area is rich in scenery and people,” says Paul, “Living and working in Litchfield helped me to create a solid picture of what I was going to write.”

The film has garnered some impressive awards, including Winner for Best Supporting Actor, and OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Dreamland International Film Festival in Hartford, CT; OFFICIAL SELECTION from the Rhode Island International Film Festival; and OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Toronto Independent Film Festival. The movie has been screened at Bank Street Cinema, and Paul is planning future screenings. Check back with us in our GOINGS ON section for details. To see the trailer, go to:

In addition to making movies, Paul Brighton runs a design firm called Tovero + Marks Creative in Litchfield. He is currently working on his next film.

Brilliant Mistakes is now available on DVD in stores, on, and through Netflix.

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