Wild Flower Seed Starting Jug With Steep Rock Association
Steep Rock is pleased to welcome back Rory Larson Director of Conservation, Steep Rock Association as they once again team up to reach out to community children. Learn about native plants and winter sowing. A simple method of planting seeds in a recycled jug and leaving it outdoors over the winter. Called simply “winter sowing”, it enables wildflower seeds to sprout at the same time as those in nature in a somewhat protected environment, while also providing the right environment for seeds that need cold moist winter conditions to germinate. Make a simple wildflower seed starting jug to raise your seedlings over the winter for spring planting. This program is best suited for ages 5 years or older and limited to 25 kids.
Gunn Memorial Library
5 Wykeham Road, Washington, CT 06793
Date: January 20, 2024
Time:1:00 pm – 2:00 pm