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Proprioceptive Writing
Wednesdays, February 23 & March 2, 9, 16

Proprioceptive Writing

The winter is a time for staying close to home, connecting with friends and family and sometimes, struggling with isolation and “cabin fever.” Take four Wednesdays in mid-winter for yourself, to turn your attention to your thoughts and explore them with compassion, curiosity and patience. Proprioceptive Writing ® is a proven method for connecting with yourself. Ann Munroe Mullen, member of the PW faculty, leads this course.

Proprioceptive Writing® (PW) is a method for exploring the psyche through writing. Easy enough for anyone to learn, PW is practiced to music in 25-minute sessions, alone or in groups, under conditions that are designed to promote relaxation and reflection.Through a process we call “Inner Hearing,” PW teaches you to listen to your thoughts with empathy and curiosity and reflect on them in writing. Practiced regularly, this simple yet powerfully effective method gradually opens a path to self-trust.

$40 for the series

Zoom information will be sent just prior to the class via email
Presented by Ann Mullen via ZOOM

Series: Wednesdays, February 23 & March 2, 9, 16
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 

Wisdom House Retreat & Conference Center
229 East Litchfield Road
Litchfield, CT, 06759

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