Craven Contemporary is excited to present its latest show “Cyclical Universe” featuring work by Christine Romanell. The show opens Saturday January 11th with an opening reception for the artist – weather permitting – from 3pm to 5pm.
Romanell’s art practice explores the infinite through intricate, ever-expanding circular patterns. Inspired by cosmology and sacred geometry, her work represents the relationship between order and the limitless expanse. She translates digital drawings into sculptures and paintings, using techniques like laser-cutting and 3D printing. Colorful gradients guide viewers through layered forms, hinting at the mysteries beyond.
Romanell describes her work as follows:
“Through digital drawing techniques, I explore the concept of infinity in my art practice. Inspired by mathatical physicist Roger Penrose’s cyclical universe theory, my work explores the eternal recurrence of patterns and forms. The circle, a symbol of both beginning and end, serves as a microcosm of this cosmic cycle. Through the application of the golden ratio and sacred geometry, I strive to capture the essence of this infinite dance, as I ponder the cyclical nature of existence.”
New Jersey based Romanell holds a BFA from the School of Visual Arts (NYC) and an MFA from Montclair State University (Montclair, NJ). Her work has been featured on the Smithsonian Channel and discussed in Hyperallergic, Juxtapoz, MIT Technology Review, White Hot Magazine, and Art and Cake. She is a recipient of an NEA grant for her work through Chashama in NYC. Romanell received a 2022 Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Her work is held in the private collection of the late Pat Bell alongside Tom Nussbaum and Willie Cole and the public collections of Google, the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, and Memorial Sloan Kettering. In addition to her studio work, Romanell serves as board president at Manufacturers Village Artists space in East Orange and is the organizer for Garden State Art Weekend.
I look forward to seeing you in the gallery and also invite you to view the show online here:
Christine Romanell “Cyclical Universe”
Saturday January 11th through Sunday March 2nd
Opening reception for the artist Saturday January 11th, 3pm to 5pm
Gallery hours Saturday 11am to 5pm, Sundays 12pm to 5pm and by appointment
IMAGE ABOVE: Christine Romanell ‘Smokey Pink’, 2022. Acrylic on wood. 35” by 35” by 4”. POA
IMAGE BELOW: The artist Christine Romanell
4 Fulling Lane
Kent, CT 06757
EMAIL: [email protected]
TELEPHONE: (646) 355-8142
INSTAGRAM: @cravencontemporary