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Movies @the Park: Kiss Me Goodbye
August 4, 2023

Movies @the Park: Kiss Me Goodbye

Sponsored by National Iron Bank

In this 1982 romantic comedy, Kay (Sally Field) is a widow who’s met a handsome but otherwise dull Egyptologist named Rupert (Jeff Bridges) and hopes to marry. Trouble is, the ghost of her dead husband, Jolly (James Caan), strenuously objects. A former Broadway director, he’s visible only to Kay, and begins interfering in her life so much that others question her sanity. Jolly, however, cares only about driving away the hated Rupert, who for his part thinks to stage an exorcism.

A special thank you to the Gunn Memorial Library for their contribution in presenting these movies to the public.

Event is free and open to the public. BYO blankets, chairs, food and beverages. Movies roll at dusk. Leashed pets only.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Judy Black Memorial Park and Gardens
1 Green Hill Rd, Washington Depot, CT 06794

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