Living Well in Litchfield County, Connecticut

Housing + Jobs + Conservation
September 22, 2023

Housing + Jobs + Conservation

Housing + Jobs + Conservation: Collaborate on a Roadmap for Action at the Salisbury Forum Sept. 22

Housing affordability in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut and the surrounding region will take center stage at the upcoming forum “Housing + Jobs + Conservation: A Roadmap for Action.” Presented by the Salisbury Forum and Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, and hosted at the Salisbury School, this community event will address the challenges posed by the rapidly decreasing affordability of housing, and how the issue intersects with economic and conservation imperatives. The event will be held on Friday, September 22, 2023.

The forum will lay the groundwork for a collaborative process that merges the need for housing solutions and economic growth with long-term commitments to conservation of the region’s natural beauty.

“We recognize that our region has been grappling with the increasing difficulty community members face in finding housing, especially for those who work in local businesses, schools, and nonprofits. It is becoming more crucial than ever to support sustainable housing solutions that engage the diverse interests in our communities,” said Peter Taylor, President of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.

Steve Rosenberg, co-convener of the Hudson Valley Affordable Housing & Conservation Strategy, and formerly associated with Scenic Hudson, will facilitate a discussion with three panelists who represent the multi-sector approach the forum seeks to highlight: Jocelyn Ayer, Director of the Litchfield County Center for Housing Opportunity; Michael Polemis, Chair of the Land Trust Alliance; and Gordon Ridgway, First Selectman of Cornwall, CT. The panelists will share their perspectives and experiences addressing housing affordability and conservation challenges, and offer valuable insights to further community action. Seila Mosquera-Bruno, Connecticut Department of Housing Commissioner, will offer her thoughts during the reception.

Grant Announcement
As part of the event, the Foundation for Community Health, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, and its Fund for the Northwest Corner will announce the launch of a new grant program, in partnership with Litchfield County Center for Housing Opportunity. These grants are for organizations in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut to foster multisector collaborations on housing. Broadly, this grant program aims to mobilize public support for new housing initiatives and move innovative projects from concept to reality.

Evening Schedule
The event is free and open to the public on Friday, September 22 at the Salisbury School,
251 Canaan Road, CT:

Reception: 5 to 6 p.m.
Main program: 6:30 to 8 p.m., which includes a Q & A session.

For more information on the event, panelists, and to register, visit

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    Dumais Interior Design