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Housatonic Heritage Walks
September 2, 2023

Housatonic Heritage Walks

Heritage Walks are FREE, guided interpretive walks to the most interesting historic, cultural, industrial, natural and scenic sites in Berkshire County, MA, & Litchfield County, CT.

Explore with knowledgeable & local historians, naturalists, and environmentalists at sites within the Housatonic River Valley: tours of historic buildings and town centers, hikes on the Appalachian Trail and other trails, walks through industrial heritage sites, a canoe paddling trip on the Housatonic River, bike rides on old country roads that have a history, behind-the-scenes tours at performing arts venues, and strolls through formal gardens and estates. All ages & all people are invited to join us!

Saturdays and Sundays on…Sept. 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & Oct. 1.

  • Things to Do!

    Plan your weekend with our guides to the best things to do in Litchfield County, from events and art openings to dining and hikes.

  • Karen Raines Davis