Housatonic Heritage Walks
Heritage Walks are FREE, guided interpretive walks to the most interesting historic, cultural, industrial, natural and scenic sites in Berkshire County, MA, & Litchfield County, CT.
Explore with knowledgeable & local historians, naturalists, and environmentalists at sites within the Housatonic River Valley: tours of historic buildings and town centers, hikes on the Appalachian Trail and other trails, walks through industrial heritage sites, a canoe paddling trip on the Housatonic River, bike rides on old country roads that have a history, behind-the-scenes tours at performing arts venues, and strolls through formal gardens and estates. All ages & all people are invited to join us!
Saturdays and Sundays on…Sept. 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & Oct. 1.