Living Well in Litchfield County, Connecticut

Festival of Trees
November 25, 2023

Festival of Trees

Buy Your Ticket Today to
Festival of Trees
at the Oliver Wolcott Library

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Our annual kick-off to the holiday season is the party everyone in Litchfield talks about!

Spend an evening supporting the library while enjoying:

* delicious hors d’oeuvres
* full open bar
* delightful music
* stunning holiday décor
* the engaging company of neighbors and friends

Bid on beautiful trees and wreaths, create memories in front of our gorgeous photo backdrop, preview our online auction items, and experience the library as it is transformed into a winter wonderland for one night only.

Plus, our Week of Wonder online auction begins at 4PM Saturday, November 25th and runs through Saturday, December 2nd at 5PM. Mark your calendar now for this incredible shopping experience!

It only happens once each year, and all proceeds from Festival and Week of Wonder directly support OWL’s programs and services. Festival and Week of Wonder are not to be missed!

Did you know? Oliver Wolcott Library is the principal public library for the Town of Litchfield and a 501c3 organization. OWL receives only about 40% of its funding from the town of Litchfield. The remaining 60% is raised each year through private donations. Your support of Festival is one way to help us achieve our mission to offer vital programs and services to the community, free of charge.

Click here to purchase tickets

Click here to view the online auction

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  • Karen Raines Davis