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FEAST – a delicious group exhibition
Lucy Stark, Favorite Flavor, AcrylicOnWoodPanel, 18x24in, 2022
July 8, 2023

FEAST – a delicious group exhibition

Taylor Lee Nicholson, Max Benjamin Sarmiento, Dana Sherwood, Lucy Stark, Heather Yeo  Curated by Will Hutnick  

July 1 – August 6, 2023  

Opening Reception: July 8, 4:30 – 7:30 PM  

Standard Space is pleased to present FEAST, a delicious group exhibition curated by Will Hutnick featuring painting, sculpture and video by Taylor Lee Nicholson, Max Benjamin Sarmiento, Dana  Sherwood, Lucy Stark and Heather Yeo. FEAST is a sequel – of sorts – to Hutnick’s first curatorial  project at Standard Space in 2020 titled SNACKS. Are you hungry yet?  

First on the menu is Heather Yeo’s paintings of mouth-watering cocktails. Highly detailed (the paintings)  and exquisitely crafted (the real life cocktails, I’m assuming), Yeo’s practice is rooted in personal narrative  and nostalgia in order to savor one more memory, one more sip.  

Next up is Max Benjamin Sarmiento who carves into his personal experiences as well by sharing his  family’s Ecuadorian traditions and stories. Through a playful and sensitive handling of mixed media,  Sarmiento is able to (re)construct personal narratives about family relationships, love, despair, and the  cultural touchstones that connect one another.  

Employing a similar modality that leans heavily towards craft in the very best way possible, Taylor Lee  Nicholson has created a brand-new, mixed media sculpture in the form of a banal shopping cart literally  exploding with food products and other goodies. Inspired by the artist’s recurring dream (or nightmare?) of  being trapped inside a Walmart-type superstore, Shopping Cart Collapsing Beneath the Weight of My  Needs sharply addresses our tangible and intangible desires, and the insatiable hunger that drives many  of our decisions.  

Let’s move on to a full meal and enjoy Lucy Stark’s rich paintings depicting breakfast, lunch, dinner, and  dessert, respectively. Stark documents food and dishes with personal significance as a way to capture  and celebrate the fleeting moment right before a meal commences. While most of Stark’s work tenderly  invites you to participate in a single meal, Favorite Flavor presents a bombardment of treats from your  local ice-cream truck that – combined with good humor (see what I did there?) – comments on our  endless, dizzying loop amidst our current digital and social media-crazed age.  

Satisfied yet? Exhausted? Take a breather inside one of Dana Sherwood’s dreamy paintings of fantastical  cakes and animals. Specifically, lounge inside the belly of a rabbit, snail or snake and consume a brightly  colored cake while you’re being consumed yourself. It’s finally time to slow down. Put your feet up. Enjoy  your feast. We all knew it would end this way, right?  

Standard Space
147 Main Street
Sharon, CT 06069



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