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Egg Hunt with Baby Goats
March 29, 2024

Egg Hunt with Baby Goats

Please join us on our farm for an egg hunt and Easter party. The goats will hunt with you and you can find candy and treats for you as well as for them! Special goat treat eggs will be hidden. You will be able to walk our fields with our herd of goats and explore our working farm…it’s quite “rustic,” but it’s a happy little goat farm with over 50 goats!

Cost is per child who will be hunting for eggs. Note that adults and non-hunting children are free. Please wear appropriate footwear.

Park on the side of the road or in the field (if ground conditions allow). Farm is at 59 Wheaton Rd. in Washington Depot. Turn right off 202 at the NORTH end, just past the White Horse, at the blinking light by the episcopal church. We are about a mile up the road on the right…Look for the goat weathervane on the mailbox — white house with an orange door and fields behind.

Get tickets

Friday, March 29 · 10am – 1pm EDT

59 Wheaton Road Washington Depot, CT

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