Creating a Connecticut Garden with English Roots
Pom Shillingford grew up in England surrounded by beautiful gardens. Moving to the US in the late 1990s she was horrified to discover the concept of a ‘yard,’ something to be managed, controlled and ignored. That she wasn’t on the next plane back out of JFK was thanks entirely to the piecemeal conversion of the half-acre of vineyard surrounding her and husband David’s house on Shelter Island back into a ‘proper’ garden.
Ten years ago, they uprooted themselves and their three young children from Manhattan to Salisbury, CT, under the pretense of restoring an 1830s historic wreck. In reality, it was so she could get her hands on the three barren acres of ‘yard’ that surrounded the house. Never one to be tagged with the label of low-maintenance, she set about creating a modern-day version of her beloved grandmother’s previous sixty years-in-the-making Arts and Crafts English garden.
Saturday, June 10th, 10am to 1130am
Hollister House
300 Nettleton Hollow Rd
Washington, CT