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Barn Talk: Spring Bulbs
April 20, 2024

Barn Talk: Spring Bulbs

Barn Talk: Spring Bulbs in the Border

Daffodils and tulips are the traditional spring stunners, but beyond them lies a dazzling array of untapped spring bulbs. Grecian windflowers, wild hyacinth, starflowers and Roman squills are just some of the potential performers that add excitement and variety to a garden. Learn how to create stunning borders by mixing a variety of bulbs with herbaceous perennials and woody plants for maximum effect. Chanticleer Garden’s Eric Hsu will teach design techniques and guide us through the process of bulb selection, planting, feeding, pest control and the sourcing of quality bulbs. Weather permitting, we will end with a short garden walk to look at some of the planting combinations at Hollister House Garden.

Horticulturist Eric Hsu, is the Plant Information Coordinator at Chanticleer Garden, one of the nation’s finest public gardens. He has written for The New York Times, The Plant Review (formerly The Plantsman), and on his blog, Plinth et al. His lectures include the Western Horticultural Society and Wave Hill in New York. Eric has been interested in bulbs ever since he convinced his parents to order a box of tulip bulbs mail order from Breck’s when he was six years old.


HHG Members $30 | Non-members $40

Hollister House Garden
300 Nettleton Hollow Rd
Washington, CT 06793 United States


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