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Art Opening Reception
April 17, 2025

Art Opening Reception

April 15 – May 22
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 17 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM

I’ve cultivated a love for imagery that lives within the context of two parallel worlds; that of visual advertising, and, where and how that advertising exists in the world that it’s trying to influence. This Instagram project which I’ve named #REINVENTINGTHEAD, is a unique look at how advertising prevails as both central character and antagonist in the visual story that we all live in. The convergence of these two visual worlds can be found within a window’s reflection or in the unique juxtapositions of what is both planned and unplanned.

#REINVENTINGTHEAD is a compilation of original photographs, taken not with professional equipment, but with various generations of cellphone cameras that I have carried with me for over ten years. The images are meant to be artful, highlighting how a simple camera, paired with Instagram can be utilized as a legitimate vehicle for artists to procure and catalog their work. Paired with thought-provoking and sometimes humorous captions, these images should prompt you to observe the world of advertising in a completely new and different way.



Stuart has been snapping pictures since he was a teen. His passion was to become a photojournalist after studying journalism and video communications at Southern Connecticut State University in the 80’s. He worked for several area newspapers including the Hartford Courant, Waterbury Republican and Manchester Journal Inquirer as a field photographer and darkroom assistant, and also traveled through Europe and Australia doing freelance travel photography before eventually settling into retail business ownership here in CT.

At the age of sixty-one, this is Stuart’s first gallery showing. Along with #REINVENTINGTHEAD, Stuart routinely contributes to several of his other Instagram galleries @CROWNROCK1196 under the hashtags #HORIZONTALPEEKS, #SECRETSABOUTBRIDGES, #CROWNROCKCANDIDS and #CROWNROCKBIKES

Oliver Wolcott Library
160 South Street
Litchfield, CT 06759

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