America Reads with RSVP Volunteer Recruitment
In-Person Event with Karen Stevens:
You’ve gained a lifetime of experience. Now is the time to share your talents and skills.
The New Opportunities Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) will be recruiting senior volunteers (55+) who are interested in volunteering at the Litchfield Center School (K-3rd) to help children learn to read.
RSVP is part of AmeriCorps Seniors under the umbrella of AmeriCorps, a federally funded program. AmeriCorps Seniors is the largest senior networking service providing a variety of volunteer opportunities. AmeriCorps Seniors improve lives, foster civic engagement, and strengthen communities across the country.
Volunteering can lead to new discoveries. Studies show that volunteering helps you live longer and helps promote a positive outlook on life. Currently, over 70 RSVP volunteers serve in our local communities.
We welcome you to join us for this event to learn all about how you can become an RSVP volunteer. Can’t make it on that date but want more information? Please email Karen Stevens, Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] or call 860-482-9749 Extension 617.
Tue, Jan 30th @ 10:00am