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A Shamanic Journey
March 21, 2024

A Shamanic Journey

Morris author and researcher Jan Henson Dow returns to the Morris Public Library with her new presentation “Taking a Shamanic Journey,” Thursday, March 21, 6:30 PM.

Shamanism has been practiced for thousands of years on every continent except Antarctica.

Shamanic journeying can be used by anyone today in order to get answers to personal questions, to learn different healing methods, to help others in the community and to work on world and global issues.

Jan is an author, researcher and an award-winning playwright, including an NBC New Voices Award. Her plays have received numerous productions, workshops, and staged readings around the country. Jan is Professor Emeritus at Western Connecticut State University. Her memoir “My Passionate Life” is published by Phosphene Publishing Company. Janet lives in Morris, CT.

Registration is required with the library: 860-567-7440 or

Morris Public Library, Morris CT
4 North Street, Morris, CT


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