Living Well in Litchfield County, Connecticut

ArtWall Reception
July 20, 2024

ArtWall Reception

Opening with a reception on Saturday, July 20, 5-7PM, the David M. Hunt Library in Falls Village will host an exhibition of small paintings and ceramics by local artists Sarah Martinez and Ali Gibbons. In this exhibition, serialism is the focus for both artists. Sarah Martinez’s most recent paintings are stylized, brightly colored acrylic gouache portraits of imaginary women’s faces, some of which she gives names and personalities. Ali Gibbon’s work in the exhibition includes delicate monotone watercolors of draped, patterned textiles, and wood-framed ceramic tiles depicting patterns or still life of fruits and other objects.

The exhibition will be on display Saturday, July 20th through Friday, August 16. All events are at the library at 63 Main Street in Falls Village, CT, and are free and open to the public.

David M. Hunt Library
63 Main Street
Falls Village, CT 06031

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