Exhibit Opening – With Their Busy Needles: Samplers and the Girls Who Made Them
Please join the Litchfield Historical Society for the opening reception of our newest exhibit “With Their Busy Needles: Samplers and the Girls Who Made Them” on Friday, April 26 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Samplers are more than thread stitched through cloth. As objects of art, samplers tell stories of creativity, instruction, and skilled work. As historical records, they document the lives and experiences of thousands of young women, histories that might otherwise remain unknown.
With Their Busy Needles: Samples and the Girls Who Made Them showcases works from the sampler collection of Alexandra Peters, displayed alongside examples from the Litchfield Historical Society’s textile collection. Peters, a sampler historian and collector, serves as guest curator of the exhibit.
The opening is free and open to the public. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Kindly R.S.V.P. by Email to [email protected] | Phone at 860-567-4501 | or Online
6 pm – 8 pm