Litchfield Hills Farm-Fresh Market
The Litchfield Farmers Market is one of the few year-round markets in the Connecticut. The weekly Saturday market offers fresh seasonal produce, fruit, berries, herbs, sustainably sourced fish; artisanal cheeses, breads and baked goods, local honey, maple syrup and gifts – all raised, grown or crafted by 15+ local vendors.
The market occasionally hosts live music and supports non-profits from throughout the Litchfield area.
Indoor Market – November through mid-June (intermittent Saturdays through the winter months — check the website for listing.) Open Saturdays 10 am – 1 pm at the Litchfield Community Center located at 421 Litchfield Road, Litchfield, CT.
Outdoor Market – June 10 through mid-October located at Center School, Litchfield.